In addition to project and change management, my focus is on communication and leadership. I am particularly interested in successful communication in project and change management. How can we communicate in a way that makes the project a success and increases employee loyalty to the company?

My qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in Educational Science at the University of Regensburg
  • Master's degree in Speech Communication and Rhetoric at the University of Regensburg
  • Completion of the seminar series International Rhetorical Competence at the University of Regensburg


My experience

  • Project management of an organizational development project in an NGO environment
  • Development and management of residential offers for people with disabilities in the Regensburg region
  • Individual coaching in presentation and rhetoric
  • Communication workshops for change managers
  • Planning and implementation of workshops in Organization Development
  • Development of new organizational models for social institutions



My interest in communication is also reflected in my private life. I love to experience the small and big adventures of life with family and friends. And if I do want to find some peace and quiet, I find relaxation in nature or yoga.