My main tasks lie in the fields of process and project management. I would like to support you with my knowledge in the development of suitable solutions for the management of individual projects, several projects within the framework of a project portfolio, but also within the framework of transparent structures for the control of processes.. Employees as well as the company perceive the immediate feedback to solution concepts as a positive development.

My qualifications

  • Certification according to IPMA®
  • Process Expert (PcE) according to TÜV Austria
  • Senior Process Manager (SPcM)



My experience

  • Centralisation of processes from several countries in a central service centre
  • Implementation of control structures for projects in the paper industry
  • Creation of a basis for the derivation of requirements from the study of new technology processes in the energy sector
  • Assessor for process management at TÜV Austria



I enjoy good food and good wine, mountain biking, tennis, football or a quiet day or evening with my family and friends.