Andrea Cerny, MAS

Consultant next level consulting

Andrea Cerny, Experting für Change Management bei next level consulting

As a versatile developer of organisations, projects and people, I have extensive expertise in a wide range of areas. In my role as a consultant, personal & team coach and trainer, I work to strengthen and develop teams both indoors and outdoors. My strengths lie in supporting change projects and in the area of ​​social skills. My experience as a Scrum Master and my training as a facilitator of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials enable me to bring innovative and effective methods to teamwork and project development.

My qualifications

  • Studies in Business Administration (Dr. rer. soc. oec.), Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Public Relations
  • Certified Project Manager according to IPMA®
  • Certified Outdoor Trainer (E3L), European Institute for experience-oriented learning
  • Transactional Analytical Organizational Consultant by Hauser & Partner
  • Certified Coach according to ESCF (in process)
  • ScrumMaster certified by bg


My experience

  • Project management in IT, public and health sectors, the telecommunication industry, NGOs, NPOs and training and development workshops for project teams
  • Consultancy services in the area of business culture, process, change and project management
  • Development and implementation of project management standards
  • Management of IT, product development, marketing and event projects
  • Coaching for project managers and executive teams
  • Training and consulting in the area of behavioral competences (leadership, communication, conflict management, negotiating techniques, and many more) as well as for intercultural collaboration
  • Team development events
  • Lector for project management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, at the University of Vienna and FH Wiener Neustadt
  • Supporting change processes in public administration and banking


Nature – activities – family/friends – fun. The more of these components combined, the better.