Coaching an agile transformation

Client case for agile management / Customer: anonymous / Sector: Industry


One of the world's largest industrial companies with more than 100,000 employees was looking for a reliable partner to guide the company in the uncertain and complex VUCA world with agile approaches and methods and to support its agile transformation. As a technology leader in a rapidly changing and complex environment, the company is faced with numerous opportunities, but also challenges. The transformation into a dynamic organization should, on one hand, preserve the cultural characteristics,
and, on the other hand, develop the necessary skills to substantiate the change required.


In several iterative development workshops with employees from different divisions and areas we developed the situation and issues. The task was to focus on the strategic alignment of the competence development. An important requirement was to recognise and preserve the cultural diversity in the divisions of the group and maintain its decentralized control culture. The first prototypes of a qualification map were developed using Design Thinking and Lean Management in a co-creation workshop. The deliverables of the workshop included new learning formats for agile values and principles, practices, methods, leadership and dynamic organization. Experimentation, reflection, and adaptation constituted an important part in the learning process. For this, we worked with simulations
and real-life cases provided by the workshop participants. In the further course of the agile transformation next level consulting supported the journey with agile coaching and consulting and conducted innovation and problem-solving workshops.



The trainings, workshops, and coaching shaped and drove the agile transformation and established and strengthened an agile mindset. This enabled new so-called "sunrise" business developments. In a new
development iteration, the previous contributions to the agile transformation were reflected and enriched with new effective ideas. A new release of the qualification map with new formats is currently under development incorporating many experiences from the previous iterations.


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