General Terms and Conditions of next level academy GmbH


next level academy GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “next level academy”) provides its services exclusively based on the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC). The version valid at the time the contract is concluded shall apply.

Any terms and conditions of the customer shall not be accepted unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing in individual cases.

Customers are consumers within the meaning of § 1 para. 1 no. 2 KSchG, but also companies within the meaning of § 1 para. 1 no. 1 KSchG.



next level academy accepts registrations for its events in writing via eShop or e-mail.

next level academy will confirm receipt of a registration/booking to the customer within one working day by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the customer (registration confirmation).


Event fee

The event fee includes the costs for the event and digital documents. For full-day face-to-face events, refreshments during breaks and lunch are also included.

Unless expressly agreed, the event fee does not include accommodation costs.


Training documents 

In general, all training documents are provided electronically. A printed version can be provided on request and for a fee of € 30. The training documents developed by next level holding are free of third-party copyrights. Intellectual property within the meaning of copyright law must be respected. As a participant, you acquire the right to apply all the methods and concepts taught yourself, but not the right to pass them on in an organized form. Reproduction of the documents, which do not constitute a published work, is also not permitted.


Venue/type of event

next level academy offers face-to-face events in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The events take place in various seminar hotels/locations or on the premises of next level holding GmbH ( The next level academy also offers various online training courses via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. If a training product also includes guidance through a digital learning path, as is particularly necessary when using e-learning modules, we invite participants via the LMS “”, which creates a user account. If participants do not wish to do this, next level academy must be explicitly informed of this when they register.


Event times

The events take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (equivalent to 8 teaching units), unless there is a deviating event mode. Deviating event times will be announced separately in the respective invitations.


Confirmation of attendance

Certificates of attendance will be issued if at least 75% of the event has been attended. They are generally provided electronically. A printed version can be provided on request and for a fee of € 30.


Changes to the event program or the type of event / cancellation of the eventnderung im Veranstaltungsprogramm oder der Veranstaltungsart / Absage der Veranstaltung

Due to long-term planning, organizational changes to the program and the type of event (presence/hybrid/online) are possible. The realization of an event also depends on a minimum number of participants. next level academy therefore reserves the right to make changes, for example to trainers or conference hotels, as well as to cancel events. Participants will be informed of this in writing in good time.

If an event is canceled due to illness of the trainer or other unforeseen events, there is no entitlement to the event being held. Compensation for expenses incurred and other claims against next level academy cannot be derived from any of the aforementioned cases.


Cancellation conditions

Cancellations of booked events can only be accepted in writing (e-mail is sufficient).

The following cancellation conditions apply:

  • up to 28 calendar days before the start of the event: free of charge
  • up to 14 calendar days before the start of the event: 50% of the fee
  • less than 14 calendar days before the start of the event and in case of no-show: 100% of the fee

For modules booked as part of a package price, the date of the first module is deemed to be the start of the event.

The fee is waived if a substitute participant attends the event.

In the event of unforeseen illness of the participant at the start of the event, a medical certificate must be provided. Cancellation is free of charge in this case.



In the event of rebooking requests by the participant, the cancellation conditions apply.


Terms of payment

The prices listed in the web store and on the website are in EUR and without VAT, unless otherwise stated.

next level academy will inform the customer again about prices in the registration confirmation.

Invoicing will take place at the latest at the start of the event. The invoice amount shown on the invoice must be paid within 14 days of receipt of the invoice, without any deductions and free of charges.


Right of revocation/right of withdrawal according to FAGG

Consumers have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the conclusion of the contract without giving reasons if the contract was concluded electronically (distance selling). In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must inform next level academy by means of a clear declaration (by post or e-mail) of the decision to withdraw from the contract. Revocation declarations must be sent to the following address: next level academy GmbH, Floridsdorfer Hauptstraße 1, 1210 Vienna, e-mail:, phone: +43/478 06 60-0

The customer can use the sample withdrawal form, which is listed in Annex I B of the Distance and Off-Premises Transactions Act ( and can also be accessed on the next level academy website (

This right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the delivery of non-physical digital content is provided before the end of the withdrawal period. However, this is subject to the express consent of the customer in conjunction with the customer's acknowledgement of the loss of the right of withdrawal in the event of premature commencement of contract fulfillment and after provision of a copy of the contract or contract confirmation.



The working documents provided as part of the events remain the intellectual property of next level academy or the authors.

Reproduction or other (including in-house) distribution and use of the material is prohibited without the prior written consent of next level academy. Furthermore, the creation of image, video and sound recordings of the events is strictly prohibited and only permitted after consultation with the trainer.


Exclusion of liability

The liability of next level academy and its employees, contractors or other vicarious agents is excluded in cases of slight negligence for property damage or financial loss suffered by the customer. The limitation of liability does not apply to personal injury and damages under the Product Liability Act. The existence of gross negligence must be proven by the injured party. Insofar as the liability of next level academy is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of its employees.

No liability claims can be asserted against next level academy for the application of the knowledge acquired at next level academy or for the correctness and up-to-dateness of the content of the documents provided. Furthermore, next level academy accepts no liability for printing and/or typographical errors in its publications and on its website.


Data protection

next level academy processes data exclusively to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations (Art 6 para 1 lit b and c GDPR).

next level academy draws attention to the fact that personal data of the customer may be processed for advertising purposes on the basis of legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).

As part of the events, photographs of participants may be taken as part of a photo protocol or video recordings. The various recordings from the events can be used for our website and/or social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, XING, LinkedIn, YouTube).

We process personal data in order to recommend personalized products and services to you in our newsletter, provided you have registered for the newsletter.

The customer is entitled to object to the processing of his or her data for advertising purposes at any time (Art. 21 para. 2 GDPR). For recordings during events, please contact your trainer directly with your objection. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time using the “Unsubscribe” link in the newsletter.

Further information can be found in the privacy policy:



next level academy has set itself the goal of offering an inclusive education system. In order to enable everyone to participate in society, we would be pleased if you would contact us ( in the event of special needs and their clarification.


Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

The contractual relationship is governed by Austrian law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the locally and factually competent court in Vienna.


Status: June 2024