Consulting in project management

We show you how to take your company's project management to the next level with sound know-how and the right tools. We advise you and your team on how to put projects on a professional footing right from the start, how to organize international project teams, how to get employees excited about projects and how to deal with resistance with confidence.

Our offer:

Project Management Health Check

We analyse your project landscape, your staff and organisational structures to obtain an accurate picture of your organisation's project management. The Health Check is an external perspective based on the evaluation of documents provided and discussions with various roles in your permanent and temporary organisation. It identifies both strengths and potential for improvement in order to recognise and minimise potential risks at an early stage before acute symptoms require drastic measures. A shared view of the current situation forms the basis for design and implementation of optimisation measures. Through this proactive approach, you can ensure that your project management practices are continuously improved and adapted to the changing requirements of the market.

Potential services we provide to support you:

  • Kick-off with all stakeholders
  • Analysis of existing documentation
  • Coordination and realisation of interviews
  • Carrying out short project audits
  • Identifying quick wins
Project Management Health Check
Developing a project management qualification concept

Target group-specific, customised qualification of project management staff is crucial for the success of your projects. Project participants need role-specific knowledge that is precisely tailored to their tasks and responsibilities. This requires careful analysis and customisation of the training content.

Work with us to develop effective training for your employees that covers both theoretical principles and practical application skills. Our approach takes into account the specific needs of your company and customises the learning content to ensure maximum learning efficiency.

Potential services we provide to support you:

  • Preparation and planning of the co-creation process
  • Analysing existing documentation
  • Conducting interviews with the participants
  • Co-creation PM qualification workshops
  • Presentation of the qualification concept
Developing a project management qualification concept
Implementing project portfolio management

Project portfolio management is not about managing projects well, but about managing the ‘right’ projects. There are often many ideas, but not all of them fit in with the strategy, make sense as projects or have limited resources. Professional project portfolio management aims to make decision-making processes transparent.

We work with you to clarify key questions: Who are the key stakeholders and decision-makers? What criteria are used to prioritise projects? What information is required and at what intervals does it need to be provided? Our aim is to work with you to develop and implement effective project portfolio management that makes a sustainable contribution to achieving your corporate goals.

Potential services we provide to support you:

  • Analysis and clarification of expectations
  • Conceptualisation workshops
  • Identification of change management measures
  • Piloting of the first project steering committee cycles
Implementing project portfolio management
Project crisis intervention

Projects are dynamic and adapting to deviations in project controlling is a fundamental task of project management. In the event of a project crisis, traditional status reports and control measures are often no longer sufficient. In such cases, we as consultants deploy a specialised crisis organisation that plans and implements effective measures to get the project back on track. The crisis manager receives intensive support from us. Although it is usually difficult to meet the originally agreed deadlines or budgets, we minimise the impact and strive for the best possible outcome.

Potential services we provide to support you:

  • Definition and communication of the project crisis situation
  • Analysing the situation and setting up a crisis organisation
  • Identification of short-term measures (quick wins) to defuse the situation
  • Planning and implementation of concrete measures to overcome the project crisis
Project crisis intervention
Project audit

The purpose of a project audit is to obtain an independent assessment of a specific project to ensure its efficiency and compliance with established standards. We conduct a detailed analysis based on an in-depth evaluation of existing project documentation and interviews with relevant stakeholders. This makes it possible to identify strengths and areas for improvement in project management before problems become acute or after they have already escalated. Our audits compare project management with both the internal standards of your organisation and the general requirements of professional project management to ensure a holistic perspective.

Potential services we provide to support you:

  • Concretisation of the content and results of the project audit
  • Carrying out a document analysis and interviews
  • Consolidation of the results
  • Definition of optimisation potential
Project audit
Project management professionalisation

Professionalising project management is an important step towards increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of your business processes. We work with you to develop a customised project management system that is perfectly tailored to your specific needs and existing company structures such as processes, roles and IT. Our approach is based on a co-creation process that ensures not only the implementation of the system, but also its full acceptance by all stakeholders. Through our extensive experience in implementing project management structures in numerous organisations, we bring best practice to your specific context.

  • Planning and realisation of the co-creation workshops
  • Defining the project management approach
  • Development of the project management process
  • Definition of the most important interfaces
  • Creation of a project management guideline
Project management professionalisation
Introduction Project Management Office (PMO)

The introduction of a project management office is a crucial step towards optimising your project landscape. We work closely with you to establish a PMO that centrally controls and monitors your project management processes. This customised PMO supports the strategic direction of your projects, improves resource allocation and increases transparency in project work. Our joint approach ensures that the PMO is effectively integrated into your organisational structure and enables a sustainable increase in project performance.

  • Planning and realisation of the necessary workshops
  • Development of the PMO role description
  • Support in setting up the necessary structures
  • Training and coaching of PMO employees
Introduction Project Management Office (PMO)
Support in project management

We offer end-to-end support in every phase of project realisation to ensure the success of your projects. From the initial start-up phase to ongoing project controlling and successful completion, we are at your side. In the start-up phase, we help you define the project goals, structure the team and plan the necessary resources. During the realisation of the project, we support your project management in carrying out effective controlling. We are also happy to assist with the final evaluation during the completion process, ensure that the results are documented and derive important findings for future projects. Our aim is to support you at every stage and ensure that the project runs smoothly and successfully.

  • Clarification of the necessary support services
  • Moderation of start-up, controlling and/or finalisation workshops
  • Analysing the documentation and deriving potential for improvement
  • Supporting the project management with individual challenges
Support in project management

Any questions? Get in touch with us for a consultation