Consulting in change management

Managing change successfully

Sabine Reithofer-Reinhardt, Consulting im Change Management

Do you want to put change processes in your company on a professional footing right from the start? Do you need support with the preparation, implementation and accompanying communication of changes in your company? Would you like to know how to get employees enthusiastic about new ideas, structures and processes and how to deal with resistance? We have the answers to these and many other change management questions and will be happy to support you in developing and sustainably anchoring a corporate culture with strong emotional potential.

Our offer:


Planning & controlling

We work with you to set the right priorities for your change project and find answers to important questions, e.g:

  • What are the goals of the change?
  • What methods and tools will help you achieve these goals?
  • What resources do you need for this and what are the costs?
  • How do you measure progress and success?
  • Which steps in the change process should become independent projects?
Planning & controlling
Steuerung & Führung
Expertise & Learning

Behaviour can only be changed if people have the skills and opportunities to do so. Our training programmes actively support you in this:

  • We identify your company's training needs and offer suitable training programmes.
  • We organise the transfer of knowledge within the company, for example through wikis, knowledge exchanges, collegial
    counselling and other tools.
  • With the change:maker Community of Practice, we offer a network of experts for creative dialogue.
  • We discuss and improve the error culture in your organisation.
  • We review the framework conditions for acquiring and utilising skills and adapt them if necessary.
Expertise & Learning
Grafik Training Kompetenz und Lernen
Organisational energy

Change processes in organisations can be stressful because different interests clash. In addition to the overall benefit for the organisation, it is important to keep an eye on the impact of change on the individual. This is how we support you:

  • Experienced mediators, coaches and conflict managers support teams and individuals.
  • Conflicts are identified at an early stage and dealt with professionally: Through conflict coaching, conflict moderation in groups and mediation.
  • We provide support in stress management and in overcoming the emotional curve.
Organisational energy
Grafik Team im Change Management
Inspiring leadership

We help you to formulate credible objectives and strengthen the community spirit. Right from the start. Like this, for example:

  • We use stakeholder or barrier point analyses as a basis for planning.
  • Using a customised change architecture as an orientation map, we jointly determine who should be involved in the change process and within what framework.
  • We analyse problems and errors on an ongoing basis, review our progress and encourage continuous improvement.
  • We create a plan for clear, motivating communication.
  • If desired, we integrate agile approaches into our procedure.
Inspiring leadership
Inspirierende Führung: Landkarte im Change Management
Transparent communication

Communication is the key to any successful change. Only those who understand what is changing, what needs to be done and the benefits for the organisation and the individual are fully committed. This is what we can do for you:

  • Discover resistance and soften implementation barriers.
  • Analyse target groups, select media, determine communication frequency.
  • Develop concepts for change communication and set budgets for them.
  • Develop a change story and apply storytelling techniques.
    Involve managers.
Transparent communication
Grafik Kommunikation im Change Management
Rational & emotional balance

Positive energy for your change processes arises when rational understanding and emotional acceptance meet. We have creative methods to promote this development:

  • We make change tangible with the help of a change story.
  • We organise workshops that give space to emotions. For example, the Improvisation Factory, in which professional actors bring your vision to life.
  • We invite you to change your perspective, for example by working with powerful images and metaphors.
  • We make success visible and tangible, for example in the World Café.
Rational & emotional balance
Grafik Team Rationale und emotionale Balance

Planning and managing change more successfully? Get in touch with us:

Andrea Cerny, Experting für Change Management bei next level consulting